Wednesday 6 May 2009

Wednesday's wibbly wobbly wonders

Here are a few of the Snatches from Malta. There are a few I do not have and also some whose format is not recognised by my video editor. Neil has my 108 Snatch and Sami's 88 as well as James' 85. I will put up the Clean and Jerks tomorrow.

I had a fun session today. I Snatched up to 104 and missed 105 a few times. Sami got 90 and missed 92. I was not finishing my pull, so that when I was in the catch position, it was falling down on me with my arms and back too relaxed.

I then front squatted 150 for a single and got buried by 160. Sami got 132. Myself and Sami did around 20 minutes of partner stretching and it was gruelling, but very effective. I am trying to be have the flexiblity and mobility to for a locked back in both the starting position and recieving position of the Snatch.

Here are the things I learned from my experience in Malta:

1. I am still learning how to make weight. It was easy this time because I was eating so well, but I tend to underestimate how much I can lose over a night and a morning of a weigh in.
2. Leaving the warm up room helped keep me focused and relaxed. It also allowed me to eat and keep my sugar levels up.
3. With the Snatch, I focused on staying over the bar and finishing the pull. This worked. My flexibility is a work in progress, but it must continue to improve.
4. With the Clean, I am back on my heels instead of over the bar, as I will show tomorrow. I also need to catch the bar with a locked chest and back position.
5. With the Jerk, I need to improve my Jerk Dip by constantly repeating the proper technique with light weights.
6. Lifting in a competition is far more tiring than in training. I was wrecked for my last Jerk. This means I need to up the intensity in training.


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